Episode 1

Matt Fumo : Paralyzed to Triathlons

I get real with Matt Fumo who was diagnosed as paralyzed after a horrible swimming accident. When the doctors told him that he would never walk again, he never accepted it as his reality. He now has his first triathlon under his belt, hiked broke neck mountain with family, and he is now training for the Ironman.

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Episode 2

Jersey Jerry : Dunkin' Donut's Curb to Household Name

Jersey Jerry comes to Get Real on the perils of addiction. He tells us how he first got involved in drugs, his many bumps along his rode to recovery, and finally how he got and stayed sober. A comeback story for the ages, Jerry exemplifies the true meaning of resilience and shows us all where you can get to if you never give up on yourself.

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Episode 3

Absence of Proof CEO : Events with Extra Connectivity & Fun with Zero “Proof”

Elizabeth, Founder & CEO of Absence of Proof comes to get Real about what all the buzz is surrounding her Events and the secret isn’t alcohol. Elizabeth has been throwing Speak Easy Pop Ups, Activities and more around New York City and getting together a community of Sobers, Sober Curious, and people who do drink that want a night off or to experience something different.

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Episode 4

Evan Rugen : Sober Curios to Alcohol Free; Nonalcoholic Dating, Business, and NYC Life

Evan tells a unique story of him deciding to cut out alcohol because he simply did not see the benefit or value it was adding to his life. He started off just to see what it would be like and after realizing, he simply didn’t need it, is now over a year alcohol free. Evan covers what it is like to not drink being in business in the city, breaking the news to friends, and even NA first dates.

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Episode 5

David Millar : Addiction to running Ultramarathons for Recovery

David comes to Get Real on young sobriety, the college experience while in recovery, and running ultramarathons. David talks on how routine and regiment helped him get and stay sober. With already an impressive background in running, David leaned into his sport during recovery while he started running longer and mentally stronger than ever before. He talks on how the lessons he learned from training and racing an ultramarathon are takeaways that he applies to his every day life to continue to better himself and rise to the next level. The next Goggins in the making, David uses his pain to continue to challenge himself and pursue the path to become the best man possible. Come get real with us and learn what motivates David to never give up and continuously move forward, better than yesterday.

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Episode 6

Garrett from Goldies : from Party Boy to Nonalcoholic Man

Garrett comes to Get Real on going from a known drinker to zero proof spritzers and having more fun than ever. When he found there was a gap in the nonalcoholic beverage market, he decided to take matters into his own hands and create Goldies. He also hosts Low/No parties where you can find mocktails or drinks that are lower proof. The goal of this is to promote mindful drinking, connectivity, and good times that you can remember. Garrett touches on Sober dating, getting the most out of life, and the benefits of having a strong male friend group that supports one another. Come Get Real with us to learn more about his secrets to success, switching to nonalcoholic, and what are his key motivators to keep bettering himself everyday.

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Episode 7

Mitch Motives : Addict Teen to 14 Years of Sobriety

Mitch comes to get real on his rocky start to sobriety, to working in Recovery, to now separating his career and his 14 years of sobriety. He transparently shared his dark road down to rock bottom. He explains how enjoying a beer turned to loosing his college room mate, skipping class, urinating in water bottles as to not leave his room, and even running away. Mitch now has a successful career, great friends and relationships with family, and even runs marathons! Come get real on why Mitch continues to live up to his name and be a motivation!

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Episode 7.5

Evan Rugen : Served a Cocktail instead of a Nonalcoholic Mocktail

Evan was served a Cocktail instead of a Mocktail at an East Village Establishment. There was a lot of support and a lot of backlash after he took to social media to share his personal experience. I will be sharing the full story + responses to comments in an impromptu episode of Get Real.

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Episode 8

Kristine Auble : Overcoming Eating Disorders, Being a Female Athlete, & Beating Cancer

Kristine comes to Get Real on her battles with her eating disorder throughout her athletic career. She tells about how her disorder festered in isolation and lead her deeper down a spiral of depression and secrecy. Her journey didn’t stop there! She then went on to be diagnosed with Cancer, but even that, could not stop Kristine. She competed in rowing races while getting chemotherapy to add to her proven track record of unmatched resilience. She is now Cancer free and advocates for women’s health. She also runs an Eating Disorder support group to help others that are struggling. There truly is nothing Kristine can not do, so come a get Real with us as we dive into what keeps her going and how she stays so strong!


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Episode 9

Johnny Berry (Always Sober) : Talks About Never Starting to Drink and Never Having to Stop

Johnny comes to get real on his experience of never having a sip of alcohol. He gets into why he felt it was best for him to never start and how he thinks it has positively affected his life and kept him out of trouble. A unique story that demonstrates willpower, the ability to stand up against peer pressure, and to stick with what you believe in. Come Get Real with the Always Sober founder and I as we further break the stigma of what sobriety looks like.

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Episode 10

Sarah from She Stays Sober : Life in Active Addiction and her Sobriety today

Sarah comes to Get Real on what her life in active addiction looked like. She opens up on how she was able to hold a steady corporate job, appear to be having fun externally or through the lens of a camera, and “hide” her addiction in a sea full of young binge drinkers. She also speaks on how pain killers found their way into her daily life and how she abused different pills for years in her addiction. Now, over 3 years sober, she explains how different her life is today and how it drastically changed for the better. She paints the full picture of her sobriety even including the hard or dark days that fall into an overall fulfilling and beautiful life that she leads. Come Get Real as we further break the stigma of what an alcoholic “looks like” and how someone can be struggling right in front of you but still maintaining daily tasks per usual.

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Episode 11

Ryan Santiago : Following your Passion, Finding your Identity, & Imposter Syndrome

Ryan comes to Get Real on his journey as he creates music. He opens up on Imposter Syndrome and not listening to internal or external doubts or negativity. Ryan explains that what started as him jamming in his room as a kid turned into producing his own music, DJing parties, and continuously doing what he loves and makes him feel good!

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Episode 12

Baylor : Faces Anxiety and Depression to make Others Laugh

Baylor comes to Get Real on her own struggles with mental health and how comedy has helped her along her personal journey with it. She believes that the more laughs, smiles, and supportive community around her, the better she has felt. She uses comedy to cope with difficulties in her life like physical health issues that she has had to face over the past couple of years as well. She realized that if other people can relate and laugh with her that then what she previous found embarrassing, is no longer. She also hopes to help make others feel like they are not alone with whatever they are facing at the moment with her creative take on comedic relief. Come Get Real with Baylor and I as she opens up on what truly motivates her to continuously take stage no matter how severe her anxiety may be that day and fight the voices in her head saying “you can’t do it.” She has proven to those voices that she in fact can, over and over again!

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Episode 13

Blake : Breaking Up with Alcohol

Blake comes to Get Real on how over 7 years ago, he just stopped drinking and never went back. Blake’s story is unique because he never had a tumultuous relationship with alcohol, but did not see how it was benefiting his life, so he decided that was reason enough to quit cold turkey. To him, his health and character were more important than following the “norm” in college. Throughout the episode he covers sober dating, entrepreneurship, and fitness. Come Get Real with Blake as he reveals why he decided to never have another drink and plans to never again.

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Episode 14

Devon : Finding Identity Post Collegiate Sports

Devon comes to Get Real on the transition from high school to college running, the struggles during collegiate sports, and finding identity past a lifetime of being identity as “the runner”. She speaks on the rampant Eating Disorder issues in the running community, the pressure put on your shoulders when in school for a particular sport, and the lack of mental health support while competing. Come Get Real as Devon tells us how she persevered through a challenging few seasons and how she was forced to find identity out of her sport.

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Sam : Getting Sober and Finding her Third Place

Sam comes to Get Real about her getting Sober in her 30s after starting her alcohol abuse in her early teens. Although only finding sobriety recently, she has already opened a sober dive bar to have a space for people in recovery as well as sober curious to come and still get that connective, casual space. We also cover how sometimes alcoholism can hide amidst overachieving in areas, still going to work, and regularly exercising. She also speaks on how she felt a trip helped cure her depression. Come Get Real with Sam as she starts her sobriety journey with a bang, already making waves in the NYC sobriety community!

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Episode 16

Brooklyn : Breaking the Cycle & the Finding the Gifts of Sobriety

Brooklyn comes to Get Real on how she previously looked like she had it all externally, yet internally was empty. She speaks on her downfall, rock bottom, and her road to recovery. She thought she was going to loose it all when she knew she had to get sober, but instead has gained the most important thing of all…herself. She also has built herself a community, a career, and a life that she genuinely loves today. We also cover how she was able to overcome a cycle of eating disorders and finally find food freedom. Once a girl looking for foods that were “fat-free”, “dairy-free”, “as much as possible-free”, she is now FEAR FOOD FREE instead! She swears by steak, whole milk, eggs, and other new discoveries covered in the episode. Brooklyn also speaks on her spiritual journey as well throughout her personal self discovery journey. Come Get Real with us as we learn why Brooklyn had to shed her past to gain her future!

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Episode 17

Grace : Accepts a Label to Gain Her Life

Grace comes to Get Real on her journey to get sober. She tells how she was hesitant at first because she used to think that she wasn’t an “alcoholic”, because she didn’t think she fit the parameters of the stereotype. However, when accepting that she was and that an alcoholic does not have a look, or gender, or race, religion, economic background, or any external feature. She explains how prior to sobriety that she was extremely insecure and unsure of herself and through sobriety she has gained self love. Another big factor for Grace is community, she explains that her addiction wants her isolated, sad, and alone but in her her sobriety she combats that with an incredibly supportive community. Come Get Real with Grace as she opens up about her journey from drugs & alcohol obsessed to freedom!

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Episode 18

Rami AKA Kosha Dillz : Following his Intuition in Sobriety & Refusing to Conform

Kosha Dillz comes to Get Real on his road to recovery, his life pre sobriety, and the highs and lows within it. He opens up on what it is like to chase his creative passions, starting from the bottom, reaching mountain peaks and having to repeatedly climb back up. He tells about performing on the stage at Coachella to then performing back on the streets. Kosha Dillz reveals how he stays humble and continues to follow his own preferences today instead of trying to conform to what others think is “cool” or following trends.

He shares on the internal process to finally listen to his heart and his head and not sell out for an extra minute of fame. He is true to himself, represents his religion and heritage, and exemplifies continuous self exploration that is available to you in sobriety.

Come Get Real with us as Kosha Dillz opens up on his sobriety, eating disorder, rocky upbringing in the “perfect” home, jail time, chase for “more” in multiple areas of life, and who he is today…. Not just Kosha Dillz but Rami.

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Episode 19

Rachel : Becoming Sober in Central Park

Rachel comes to Get Real on her being caught in a negative cycle, getting sober, and the countless miles she has walked in NYC’s Central Park and how that has helped her recovery. Rachel speaks on becoming healthy in all areas from quitting drinking and getting sober to exercising and nourishing her body correctly. She also has seen a shift in her self talk. She tells how she went from the girl with a drink in her hand in an inner tube judging the runner passing to the woman going on several mile walks, going to sober yoga raves, and regular exercise classes.

Rachel explains how she built her own business through sobriety and was able to quit her day job to follow her passion. She now focuses on spreading the message of sobriety and being completely transparent in her recovery in hopes to help other.

Come Get Real with Rachel and I as we discuss what makes us feel healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually.

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Episode 20

Stephanie : Raises Awareness on Co-Occurring Disorders

Stephanie comes to Get Real discussing Co-Occurring Disorders and how early education can help save lives. Stephanie opens up about her son, Harris’ accidental overdose and how he struggled with his mental health for several years prior to his death. She believes that there were many areas that were insufficient and lacking in the mental health system that failed her son and that there is plenty of room for changes and improvement to help others in the future. She is speaking out to create awareness and hopes to change the way mental health is viewed, taught, and understood. She shares the multiple steps that Harris took, but unfortunately found no relief and what she thinks could have made the difference. She also reveals what about her personal experience of losing her son and the tremendous grief that follows. She explains that she would prefer if friends, acquaintances, family, community, ect kept Harris’ memory alive and addressed the issue with her, rather than avoiding tough conversations so not upset her. She enjoys those who speaks openly about his life and the positive impact he had on those around him. Come Get Real with Stephanie and I as she educates me on the meaning of CODA, shares her deeply personal relationship to this mission to educate as many people willing to listen, and even shares a powerful poem that she found which her son wrote to her in hopes of helping anyone else that may be feeling alone or helpless or who are going through their own grief.

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Episode 21

Grant : Volunteering in a Sober Active Community, Running, CrossFit, Recovery & More!

Grant comes to Get Real on what his experience is like volunteering for The Phoenix, a sober, active community. The Phoenix has served over 300,000 people nationwide and is on track accomplish its goal of servicing 1 million. Grant speaks on his how this helps his recovery but he also has to be careful as sometimes it feels that he leaves nothing in his cup for himself. He then goes into detail on solutions that have helped him and the ones that do today. Grant is a CrossFit coach, an endurance runner, and climber. He covers how these activities are meditative for him in different ways. He opens up on his unique views of depression and how when it trickles in, it is normally a signal that it is time to grow and let go. He speaks on his 13 year relationship and 8 year marriage and how it withstood his addiction, recovery, and everything in between. Come Get Real with Grant and I as he shares on an array of his personal experiences and their impact on his life from Hockey to working in the Hospitality Industry. Grant helps so many in their recovery journey, come learn how he helps himself.

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Episode 22

Meg & How She Got Sober with One Week to College Graduation

Meg comes to Get Real on her experience in active addiction, why she decided to get sober, how she did it with one week to college graduation, how she survived her early days in grad school, and where she is today. She speaks on her relationships over the years and how they were affected and immediately bettered once she began her recovery journey. Meg met her fiancé doing sober outdoor activities and today they both partake in endurance sports and outdoor adventures. Meg gets real on her relationship with her family as well and growing up in a small mountain town and the impact that that made on her.

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Episode 23

Maddie (podcast host) does a Q & A

The Get Real Show’s host, Maddie Brady Gets Real in a first ever solo podcast. She answers commonly asked questions written in by weekly listeners, friends, and family. She answers an array of questions ranging from “what’s your favorite mocktail?” to exploring the depths of her sobriety journey thus far.

She covers eating disorders, body image, nonalcoholic life, and more! Come Get Real with us for a very unique, one of a kind episode!

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Episode 24

Todd & Fisher on their Religion Based Business

Todd, Fisher, and I Get Real on how religion or spirituality helps many with their mental health, entrepreneurship, and how staying true to yourself helps you gain confidence and not rely on exterior validation. They share on how male friendships in their lives act as a brotherhood to uplift one another and hold each other accountable in faith, business, and everything in between.

Come Get Real with us as we explore how religion and spirituality help keep Todd & Fisher mentally healthy and grounded as they devote their lives to standing on their principles, working in parameters, and ultimately looking to give back and help others!

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Episode 25

Jillian on Conquering relapse & Celebrating 2 years sober

Jillian comes to Get Real on sobriety, eating disorders, relationships with men, & relationship with self. She shares on her tumultuous journey from starting binge drinking very young, trying to get sober numerous times, and how she finally did it! She opens up on the darkness & isolation of relapse and how family, in particular her mother, never gave up on her.
Jillian didn’t give up on herself either and fought through every trying time to get to the other side.
She covers how she started with a variety of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and seeking instant gratification & validation from men to fitness, fueling her body, confidence, and self love setting herself up for healthy relationships.

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Episode 26

Jay on Men’s Mental Health & Much More

Jay comes to Get Real on how he has built the foundation of his mental health, fitness, finances, and family. He believes that Men’s Mental health heavily relies on finding passion and purpose. He opens up on his late brother who he watched struggle with his mental health. Right now in America, men take their own lives 4 times the amount as women.

We open up the floor and dove head first into a touchy conversation on eating disorders including obesity, male’s “internal instincts”, and how Jay believes the man feels the stress and joy of having the providers instinct within.

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Episode 27

Mario on Addiction & Sharing the Gift of Sobriety

Mario comes to Get Real on his own journey to addiction, the trials and tribulations he faced while active, getting sober, building community, and going back to help the next person struggling.He opens up on a pivotal part of his journey which was an overdose that left him in a two week coma and what he remembers from that time. He speaks on growing a positive community and network in sobriety as well as the tragic fact that not everyone in that community makes it. Mario shares stories of hope and some of his fondest memories helping others achieve sobriety.

He also is transparent with the fact that working in the recovery community can be extremely difficult and mentally exhausting. Although rewarding, Mario has to take time to recharge and focus on his own sobriety amongst it all so he can be of service to those who need it.

Mario believes in never giving up on a case and human being as he is extremely grateful that he was not given up on during his own low points. He knows that everyone is worth saving and will extend help to anyone seeking it.

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Episode 28

Matt on Men’s Mental Health, Veteran PTSD, & Self Identity

Matt comes to Get Real on his journey with his mental health. He shares on his experience finding out his father raising him was not his biological father at age 13. This caused him self identity issues and a lack of trust in everyone around him. From there on out, he struggled with his mental health and constantly tried to push away his pain. Matt joined the military in an attempt to out run his childhood trauma but instead piled more onto it when deployed to Afghanistan.

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Episode 29

Joe on His First Year of Sobriety

Joe comes to Get Real on his experience throughout his first year of sobriety. He opens up on his childhood, growing up around alcohol, relationship issues, and his first time feeling the “liquid confidence.” He speaks on his experience in rehabs and a very unique retreat to a jungle in Peru. Joe tells us about how his whole mindset changed once he got sober and how that has impacted his everyday life, work, and friendships.

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Episode 30

Chelsea on being Sober Curious

Chelsea comes to Get Real on what it’s like to be a Life & Self-Worth Coach. She speaks on how she got started in the industry and a glimpse into how she helps her clients. Chelsea lives and breathes self healing and is a big believer that all internal issues lead back to the relationship you have and maintain with yourself. She gives away ways to grow and deepen your relationship with yourself as well as tips on how to practice self love. For almost a year now, Chelsea has been Sober Curious. This decision started with a 10 day challenge and as she continuously decided that she needed more time, she then realized this was more than just a challenge, it was what she wanted her life to become.

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Episode 31

Andy on Sobriety Young & Channeling Spirit towards Activities

Andy comes to Get Real on his experience getting sober at 22, growing up with chronic migraines, experiencing anxiety from a young age, and how his addiction first festered from alcohol to “party drugs” & beyond. He speaks on how he finally got to a point where he knew he had to change, but didn’t know where to begin. Upon getting sober he got involved with The Phoenix which is a Sober active community. He does many of their events including a 13.1 mile long erg piece that he did himself in support of The Phoenix.

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